Let Me Be A Woman

Hi, it’s Jamie here. Mom asked me to give my thoughts here on the family blog about Elisabeth Elliot’s book, Let Me Be a Woman. It is the first book which I’ve completed in my ‘for graduation’ pile.

I actually really enjoyed reading this book; the chapters were very short and I made myself read five a day. Her writing style was interesting and not dull, which made for easier reading. While not every single chapter was phenonmenal, there were many that were very good. Her chapters which touched on marriage were especially helpful and eye opening. I now have a much better idea on the gift and beauty of marriage than I did before reading the book. Her thoughts on singleness was also enlightening.

Overall, I found the book educational to me as a young woman but was nothing like a boring ‘school book’. If you’re a young lady, I would highly recommend reading this. :)


Farewell From Family Life in the Kingdom

This is Jamie here. I’m writing to announce that I will no longer be blogging on Mom’s blog. Why? Because I now have my own! Mom and Dad have given me permission to start my own as a Christmas present! Below is the link to my own blog, Through Two Blue Eyes. See you there! Don’t forget to check back here, because we’ll be having a new writer take my place on this blog to handle the family updates.

My Blog Link :   http://throughtwoblueeyes.wordpress.com/ You can also get to my blog by scrolling down to the ‘blogroll’ and clicking on the name of my blog. :D

Be sure to drop by and comment! I’ll be blogging more frequently on my blog then I have been here. (Good news for you, Aunt Linda!) See you there.



Can you see us?

Here is our annual stop in California to see ‘the dinosaurs’. We always see them on our way to Carlsbad, but I don’t know where they are on the map. Anyway, it’s been a long time since we got to see them. This one above didn’t used to have a fence around it, so we didn’t get to climb up this guy’s tail like we normally do. But that was alright..

Here’s the second dinosaur. There are stores in this one. I bought a ring inside it, actually..


Mom and Dad

I have a few more pictures that I can’t put up right now, but maybe later. :D


Seaworld Shots

A Big Fish

These are the nicer shots from our trip to Seaworld..they’re rather miscellaneous. :D


More Penguins

Inside one of the underground cases, they had a giant magnifying glass to see smaller fish better. We stood behind it instead for Mom to take our picture.

I told you this was a typical shot

Star fish and shells

Pilot Whale

Squished Penny Machine

Penguin Penny

Dolphin Fin

Polar Bears

Polar Bears made it into my top five favorite animals, too. I was thrilled to be so close to real live ones.

I hope to take pictures of all my squished pennies I got during the trip for you all to see. :D



Shamu Show

We saw two Shamu shows while at Sea World. About two years or so, I figured out which animals I liked best, and killer whales came in my top five. Maybe it’s their massive splendor, incredible size or fighting spirit. At any rate, I like them a lot. I enjoyed watching the shows and being closer to them, such as in this picture above. We were very close. Took my breath away, it did.

^While they did lots of jumping, the trainers weren’t in the water with them–and it’s always neat to seem them riding on their backs or flying into the air on their noses. Mom said maybe they were taking another look at what they were actually doing. Either way, it was still very neat.

^I love neat jumps like this when their upside down.

Dad took most of these pictures I think.

There was a lot of splashing in the second show!

Splendid animals. Well, that’s it for now…it’s late…

By the way, tomorrow will be Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We’ll be at the J’s house…maybe we’ll get to play freeze tag! Hope so! Anyway, I’ll try to post more soon! :D


At the Beach

Siblings at the Sea Shore

We are home now, and I have some time to post more pictures. Today I’m doing some shots from the beach. I love Nathan’s expression above.

Shells and Sand Dollars

There were more rocks than anything else. But we found some shells, and Kayla and I, after venturing deeper into the water, found sand dollars. I found the first one. We found smaller sizes. I’ll have to take pictures of them…


Facing the Waves

Nathan Running Full Speed

Nathan threw rocks. Nathan dug holes. Nathan carried sand, he dug sand, he piled sand. He played with his cups and buckets. I told him, you can get some water to wet the sand. He looked up from his sand project and asked, “Where’s the water?” Once we showed him how to catch water with his cup, he was busy all day.

Sisters at Sea

A Big Sister's Job is Never Done

I convinced Nathan to go out deep with me. Unlike myself when I was his size, he didn’t freak out, or cry when he got wet. He was actually very brave. I did hold him several times–otherwise, the water would have been too deep.

Mom's Creation

Mom made a turtle out of sand.

At the Scene of the Action

Here’s your typical picture of Kayla. Videotaping again, as usual. She got lots of video. Well, hopefully I’ll have more pictures soon. :D

The Sting Rays

Underground Viewing

This morning I’m only going to post about visiting the sting rays yesterday. We have so many pictures, and I have limited time. Anyway. One of my favorite visits in SeaWorld was seeing the sting rays. I’ve had past experience with touching sting rays at the zoo, so I was excited to get to see these creatures again. And as you all mostly know, I love just about any animal…

See the ray's wing in the air?

Kayla took lots of video. Nathan and Daddy touched the rays together. Mom took pictures. I stroked and petted all the sting rays that went by. I found a gigantic one just sitting on the floor not doing anything, and I stroked it for a long time. I loved petting them. I asked Kayla what she liked doing and she said she loved videotaping me petting them.

Nathan touching one

These sting rays aren’t dangerous, but they still may like intimidating. For your information, they have a slimy yet exquisitely soft skin. Even they’re tails were smooth and slimy. An odd but wonderful feeling. There were large ones, big ones, and little ones.

A ray, Dad, Nathan, Me, and Kayla videotaping me

We got to feed them. Yes. It was very..different. They’re mouth is under them, and they glide over your hand and suck, slurp, or vacuum the food into their mouth.We had to watch the birds. A sign said, “Birds Are Aggressive”. Nathan fed the bird some food, which probably wasn’t good, but he thought it was fun. You did have to be quick in getting your hand under the water. The birds would swoop in and take it from your hand if you weren’t quick enough. We also had to keep our tray of fish covered with a hand.

The Food

Here’s how you hold the food for them to eat. ^ Then you stick your hand under the water. It was a crazy feeling. Kayla tried once and decided that she would rather videotape us feeding them then doing it herself. Mom did it twice, but decided it was too weird. Me and Dad had a great time feeding them. It was my first time.

Crazy Picture

In this picture, the ray is taking food from Daddy’s hand. Nathan is watching in concern. Mom took this excellent picture.

Today we go to the beach to relax. I’ll try to do more posts later today. :D We’re missing everyone at home. Don’t forget to comment, and we’ll see them when we get home.



Our family is Carlsbad, California right now! Dad has Mercedes classes on Saturday and Sunday. We drove out yesterday in our van (pictures to come.) We’re soon going to leave for Sea World (lots of a pictures to come!) and I’ll try to post about that tonight, so long as The Food Network isn’t showing anything interesting. *grin*.  Tomorrow we’ll be visiting the beach and shopping (hopefully). Friday will be our trip to Legoland.

We’re missing all our friends already, but hopefully those who are in town will see the movie Kayla is making. :D

Your comments might not get through till we get back, but don’t let that stop you. :D


Legacy Ladies Canning Pictures

Water Bath


Brianna-'Breezy'-taking a turn at ladling

Cowboy Nathan

Miss Sophia

Some of us ladies from Legacy got together to make Jalopeno Jelly. It was really good, and we had fun talking together. Nathan and Sophia played downstairs, and us girls got to swing in the front yard together in the dark.


Swing Pictures

Sometimes I get nervous....

I pushed Nathan on the swing one morning and then settled down to take some pictures. But the problem was, by the time I was settled, he had slowed down and he was asking for me to coming and push him again.  I still got some good pictures.


Life With A Little Boy

Little Boy

Life with a little boy is really fun..when you’re with a little boy who is pushing a stroller, don’t be shocked when the idea of pushing the stroller down the hill sounds likes great fun!

Catch the baby, Nathan!

I had great fun taking pictures!

Let's do it again! *laugh, laugh, laugh*

"Alright, baby, are you ready!?"

"Jamie, you're in the path way!"

It worked!

We had a great time, considering he was sick during these pictures. He pushed the stroller around the cul-de-sac, and through the grass. He even fell over it. Luckily, baby and stroller can take the excitement.


Eagle Scout

Last Sunday, my cousin Ben received his Eagle Scout award. Our family attended the ceremony together–it was very interesting–and got to see some old friends. It was nice to see the Cousins again after so long. Cool piece of trivia: Grandpa Smith had an Eagle, Uncle David had an Eagle, and now Ben has one! Three in three generations!

The Medal

Merit Badges

Ben told me all the names of his merit badges. He had earned lots of them, and they were very interesting.

Love Y'all!

Congratulations, Ben!!!! I’m very proud of you!

Your cousin, Jamie.


The Wonders of Candyland

We have a old computer version of Candyland…..Nathan loves it. Last night he figured out how to move the mouse on the screen to make ‘ice cream sundaes’ with Queen Frosty.  He was just ‘captivated’.
